7 Reasons Proving Handwriting Is Still Important in the Digital Era


We all are living in the digital era. With the rapid development of technology and the opportunities offered thanks to it, many of us begin underestimating the importance of some basic skills. Reading and handwriting are the most overlooked in particular. There are 7 Reasons Proving Handwriting Is Still Important in the Digital Era.

Over the past decades, we have become so dependent on technology that we often can’t recognize the real benefits of simple things. In this article, we are going to prove to you that handwriting still matters today! Let’s dive in!


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Top-Seven Proofs that Handwriting Is Important Today

  1. It Ensures Long-Term Academic Success

“Writing is an art that sparks creativity. But, at the same time, it is a tool for development.” – says a professional academic author from https://essaypro.com/write-my-essay.html – “Even given the amount of technology to help us, it is still handwriting that can ensure your success in the long run”.

Although today we depend heavily on gadgets, they cannot substitute handwriting completely. Mainly, because it plays a critical role in a person’s development.

It has been proven that children who master these skills early, perform better academically. Using a pen and paper stimulates the brain’s visual, cognitive, and motor functions. It also impacts the way children’s brains develop.


  1. It Boosts Self-Esteem

What does it have to do with a person’s self-esteem, you may wonder? Well, you will be surprised that these two things are closely related and especially apply to school students.

Today, due to the availability of various technology and proper training, more and more kids suffer from dysgraphia. This is one form of learning disability that affects students’ handwriting and spelling skills.

As some of you might know, messy handwriting can result in a lower evaluation of a student’s schoolwork. And, when a student gets low grades, it can have a negative impact on his or her self-esteem and a sense of self-worth. However, if a student, on the contrary, is good at writing, it can have the opposite effect and boost confidence.

  1. It Improves Memory

You all probably have heard many times those simply noting things down helps to memorize them better. But is it actually true?

In fact, numerous studies have proven that handwriting does help to enhance one’s memory. One study conducted on children has shown that kids learn new words faster and retain them in memory for longer if they note them down on a piece of paper. Typing, on the contrary, does not cause such an effect.

The thing is that typing is less laborious and, thus, does not require that much concentration. Respectively, it doesn’t promote your memory function.



  1. It Boosts Creativity

Engaging with a pen and paper feels more authentic. Unlike when using technology, writing really makes you slow down and become thoughtful about what you are reflecting on a paper. Besides, such activity also utilizes our brain processes differently than typing does. Thus, if you want to spark creativity, grabbing a pen and a piece of paper is a great solution!


  1. It Improves Mental Health

You may not know this yet, but it is a great mindfulness technique that can help you relax and boost your mental health. A research posted by Cambridge University Press has investigated the benefits of writing in detail. A group of people was asked to do some expressive writing for only 20 minutes a day.

It is interesting that participants who were not afraid to express their thoughts and feelings on paper tended to have better mental and physical health indicators. The results of this study confirmed that such a practice could be extremely helpful for understanding oneself better and improving overall mental health.

  1. It Clears Your Mind and Relieves Anxiety

We’ve already discussed how expressive writing for 20 minutes a day can help enhance your health. On top of that, psychologists claim that keeping a personal journal, in particular, is another excellent technique for clearing space in your head.

This trick helps to get rid of excessive emotions, thoughts, and feelings. Also, it allows looking at our own actions from a different perspective. As a result, it helps relieve anxiety and bring some structure and consistency in your mind.

  1. It Is Less Restrictive

Another reason to start writing more today is that pen and paper are generally less restrictive. Let’s say you are brainstorming for a project and want to note down a few ideas. Typing them would mean making a sort of a list. However, if you do it the old-fashioned way, you have more freedom in terms of where and what you are writing. 

You can underline words; write in the middle or on the side of the paper, which will guide you on the importance of each point. A digital list doesn’t give you that freedom unless you are instrumental in formatting.

Having a blank piece of paper in front of you, you can start making notes from the center or bottom of the page. As long as it makes sense to you – you are free to do whatever you want. This is what makes it a less restrictive process, and can contribute to your flow of ideas.

The Bottom Line

Now, that you saw our top seven reasons that prove why writing is still important today, you may be wondering, isn’t it possible to do all that in a digital format? Meaning that engaging in expressive writing or keeping a diary is, for sure, possible using just a laptop or smartphone. Well, that’s true. It’s possible, but far not as beneficial!

The thing is that handwriting is a much more thoughtful activity than typing. It helps you focus on the things that matter at the moment, as well as allowing you to retain and comprehend information faster and easier.

Therefore, it is still extremely important for one’s long-term success and health, even in today’s digital era!

