Fireworks Tap


Fireworks Tap app permits you to put on a mesmerizing fireworks display. Just tap or drag one or multiple fingers across the screen to release thousands of colored particles.

Fireworks Tap comprises six different backgrounds to choose from and more than a dozen types of fireworks. This app was created for my infant son. Tap the screen and watch the fireworks explode.

In order to make this app baby proof all menus and options have been removed. There are no extra buttons and no ads to tap on makes this perfect for toddlers. The app is wholly applauded from all corners of global users.

You can tap and drag to set off a string of fireworks. Moreover the handles multi-touch so you can set off fireworks by tapping all your fingers at once. These fireworks are easy enough for babies to use and fun for adults too. Enjoy these amazing fireworks.


The above Fireworks Tap reviews from best apps review sites namely AppsRead is dedicated towards users. One splendid fact that the global users would actively discover from this apps review websites namely AppsRead is how simple it is to search out popular mobile apps. They are also popular for App Downloads and App Installs for benefit of developers.

This app is so much different on the App Store, which is always refreshing to experience these days. The graphics are attractive and the controls are simple enough for anyone to learn on the go.

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