Secretmoji for iOS


In this modern development of mobile apps the users could witness plenty of encrypted chat apps. There are certain people who long to pretend they’re secret agents and obsessively use emoji? Eventually Secretmoji for iOS has successfully arrived and is the perfect answer to that question.

Secretmoji for iOS is a messaging app for iOS which professionally conceals your chat messages as strings of emoji.After valid registering which virtually does not require any Facebook or Twitter login like most apps do now. The global app users are viably asked to select a PIN. But that should really be a PIE, as you select four emoji instead of respective numbers.

The global app users whenever send or receive a message; it is possible to view a string of emoji. To decode them, users need to tap on the padlock in the top right-hand corner and enter valid PIN. It’s hardly the most persuasive secure way of keeping your illicit chats secret but it is amazing, particularly if global app users are someone who liberally sprinkles familiar emojis into messages anyway. The Secretmoji for iOS app is completely free.


According to Top Ranked Apps Review Directory namely AppsRead the popular Secretmoji for iOS is a secret message machine for you and your favorite friends. Only the users could read the messages that are sent to your phone, everything is professionally scrambled into emojis until you unlock it. More amazingly even your push notifications are wholly scrambled.

By sending a message to friend and the app scramble it with random popular emojis. So when your friend unlocks the message with their secret emoji pin code, your relevant message gets unscrambled into plain text.

The above Secretmoji for iOS review from AppsRead Directory is dedicated for global app users. The Top Ranked Apps Review Directory is efficaciously publishing on iPhone / iPad / iOS app reviews, Android App Reviews, Facebook App Reviews, Game Reviews, Gadget Reviews and Web App Reviews. Eventually the top apps review site AppsRead Directory suggests this Secretmoji for iOS app in benefit of global users.

