LINE Lite for Android


In day to day modern development of mobile app technology the Top Ranked Apps Review Directory namely AppsRead professionally enumerate about latest app called LINE Lite for Android. The popular messaging service Line has successfully launched a new Android app which cinch allows global app users to save on storage space and data while staying in touch with their quality contacts.

It is revealed that Line Lite weighs almost at less than 1MB, yet retains the core beneficial features of the organization mainstream provision, like group texting, stickers and image sharing. The new LINE Lite for Android app is first rolling out to 11 countries comprising India, Mexico, and Saudi Arabia.

They also convey that it would make it available to other familiar regions depending on global app user demand, and would expediently add new beneficial features in the future. According to AppsRead Directory it’s a smart move for Line to bring their messaging service to more global app users. Everyone knows that reputed Facebook recently launched a lightweight mobile app which includes most of the popular social network’s features as well as Messenger service to emerging global markets.


The global app users could easily install this lightweight app quickly on any network. It’s less than 1 MB. LINE Lite for Android is a lightweight app which efficaciously performs well on all Android devices. The global app users could easily exchange messages and photos for free with LINE Lite and LINE users.

The above LINE Lite for Android from AppsRead Directory is dedicated for global app users. The Top Ranked Apps Review Directory is efficaciously publishing on iPhone / iPad / iOS app reviews, Android App Reviews, Facebook App Reviews, Game Reviews, Gadget Reviews and Web App Reviews. Eventually the top apps review site AppsRead Directory suggests this LINE Lite for Android app in benefit of global users.

