Tether for Web


The top ranked apps review directory namely AppsRead Directory are qualitatively enumerating about latest Web app called Tether. Most of the global user is wholly assuaged about this new Tether for Web.

It is certain that few apps are there and has novel ways of unlocking your Mac, but according to AppsRead Directory Tether for Web is a new free app, might be the simplest yet easy because you don’t require doing anything utilizing it.

Tether for Web is a pair of apps where global users could expediently install on iPhone and Mac which vividly detect how far your phone is from your computer utilizing cogent Bluetooth, and automatically locks it when it’s further than a relevant few meters away. Tether for Web seemed legitimately beneficial for every global user around the corner. The users could just walk away and Mac would lock automatically.


Tether for Web professionally uses Bluetooth 4.0’s Low Energy profile to attain this without wholly obliterating your phone’s battery. Apart from this the popular apps are entirely free, which make think global users amazing for using it.

It is known that Fiafo a popular organization is behind the app and they are from UK-based digital innovation studio. They also convey that the apps were created internally while it was efficaciously performing research and development for other important Bluetooth apps. After utilizing it for a while, the organization decided others might benefit through Tether, so it worked to marvel it stable and beneficial for all global users.

The above Tether for Web review from AppsRead Directory is qualitatively hailed by international users. This Top Ranked Apps Review Directory is efficaciously publishing on iPhone / iPad / iOS app reviews, Android App Reviews, Facebook App Reviews, Game Reviews, Gadget Reviews and Web App Reviews. The top apps review site AppsRead Directory eventually suggests this Tether for Web app in benefit of global users.

