Latest Messenger App for iPhone


It is unparallel universal market place to shop wide collections of quality apps which is all about Appsread was promoted as the top ranked apps review site targeting on Web App Reviews, iPhone / iPad / iOS App Reviews, Android App Reviews, and Facebook App Reviews. Ever since the successful potent journey of Appsread, the global users are wholly assuaged.

The habit of procuring sub-standard apps in out of concerns and curiosity correlates among several global users, so it is always suggested to read through appsread app review site and then plan to buy. The acumen members of appsread are talking about the new iOS app called Cyfr Messenger which has been created by iLyngo. The app is quite compatible with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad and expediently needs iOS 7.0 or any later version of the OS. This latest app is also been optimized for iPhone 5.

According to technical members of appsread this latest iOs app can be illustrated in two words as “friends-friendly”. Their savors permit you to have a personal chat with any of your close friends without any hazzle of someone else reading it.
The app has salient Lingo feature which cinch permits you to use your secret language with your close friends. This Lingo is defined as the short term of complete word which otherwise called as slang. So the major advantage that if someone else is reading your message, then he can’t get the exact meaning. In addition you are provided with a lingo dictionary for your reference purpose.
With this app it is possible to send cogent hidden messages to your friends. For instance, if you wish to send a theme joke that you like only your friend to read, and then it could be professionally hidden under another message. The global user can swipe the upper message so that the required hidden message would be illustrated. This is something unique that never seen before according to members of Appsread. It is acumen idea out from the global app developer’s mind.
Worth Having Application: Download the App
