Google breaking news – Latest news on Google, Pinterest , Tumblr

The professional members of lists out some of the latest news on Latest news on google,Pinterest and Tumblr. It is happy to hear that Google professionally updates cogent design of Gmail’s Web app for discreet Android, popular BlackBerry, iOS, Kindle Fire, and Offline app for Chrome. The global user can indeed check out how the new lucrative mobile site looks. 

The latest news from Google suggests that new release of Gmail mobile app and Gmail Offline is expediently available to Android, BlackBerry, iOS and Kindle Fire users. It is possible to try yourself by navigating to in the potent browser on your corresponding instrument. 

The major news was from Pinterest which expediently introduced free analytic service in maiden step for focusing monetizing as its service. It is possible for the users to get value details about 

1. how many users have pinned from your site, 

2. how many users have seen these pins 
3. how many users visited your site from Pinterest 
With the new features one can easily view most repinned, most clicked, and most recent pins quite expedient manner. By this it is possible to identify which one is popular. 
The latest news from Tumblr is much more credential one which actually updates potent iOS app with new camera, capacity to develop photosets, double-tap posts to like and much more. 
The global users can be updated with latest savors in Tumblr 3.3 for iOS 
· The users get Brand new camera 
· Can develop photosets straight from the app. 
· Potent feature of Double-tap posts to like 
· Possible to tap the avatar in your desired profile to change it. 
· Copy or enter a URL the app will fetch title for you 
