Readability for iOS


In a latest development the social reading application Readability has included a series of updates to their popular Readability for iOS. The latest version 1.1.0 comprise beneficial features which massively boost content discovery, while ameliorates have been made to speed up the apps syncing and general performance.

The service has included two aggregated reading lists respectively as ‘Top Reads’ and ‘Longform Picks’ which offer Readability users an amazing new mechanism to find new content and articles. The two lists are professionally summoned via a menu at any time. It is revealed that Top Reads is a selection of the most popular articles on the service. While Longform Picks is a cogent collection of interesting reads, that looks to be curate by the Readability team.

Readability for iOS is worth at this time, the new reading lists don’t appear to sync with the top read list but, they are a good addition to assist stumble upon new content. Readability 1.1.0 also adds a ‘time-to-read’ display for making Top Reads and Longform Picks visible to global users.


The quality updates have been made to the iOS app. Interestingly Readability for iOS new version of the app has finally removed all trace of the choices to donate. Readability for iOS turns any Web page into a clean, customizable view for reading now or later. The global app users could catch up on articles you’ve saved or discover new content by following other readers.

The above Readability for iOS review from AppsRead Directory is for app users. The Top Ranked Apps Review Directory is efficaciously publishing on iPhone / iPad / iOS app reviews, Android App Reviews, Facebook App Reviews, Game Reviews, Gadget Reviews and Web App Reviews. In final analysis the top apps review site AppsRead Directory suggests this Readability for iOS app in benefit of global users.

