Periscope for iOS


In a latest development the popular Twitter’s new live streaming Periscope for iOS has been successfully updated to illustrate broadcasts from people you follow more regularly and prominently.

The Periscope for iOS updated which now professionally displays broadcasts from people you follow at the top of your cogent feed, so they’re simpler to find in the ocean of streams from other relevant Periscope users. More over in addition, the follower notifications are now turned off by default. The organization conveys it’s efficiently working to include more granular control so user get valuable alerts which care about.

The global users could now select not to share your location before broadcasting. In case if user do disclose where you are, the map illustrate which offer a less precise indication of your location on a effect of zoomed-out map view. Periscope for iOS has also confirmed that it’s working really great and soon plans are there for an Android version of their app, according to AppsRead Directory.


Periscope for iOS efficaciously permits user to broadcast live video to the world. Going live would instantly notify your valuable followers who could join, comment and send you hearts in real time effect. The more hearts you get, the higher they flutter on the screen. When broadcast is over, the global user could make it available for replay so passionate viewers could watch later. It is also conveyed that viewers could replay the broadcast with valuable comments and hearts to relive the full exciting experience.

The above Periscope for iOS review from AppsRead Directory is for zeal app users. The Top Ranked Apps Review Directory is largely publishing on iPhone / iPad / iOS app reviews, Android App Reviews, Facebook App Reviews, Game Reviews, Gadget Reviews and Web App Reviews. Finally the top apps review site AppsRead Directory suggests this Periscope for iOS app in sake of global users.

