Office Remote for Android


With latest mobile app review from Top Ranked Apps Review Directory namely AppsRead Directory they efficaciously reveal about the latest Android app called Office Remote. It is confirmed that Microsoft successfully launched a new Android app which permits global user to control Power Point presentations on your PC over Bluetooth.

With the latest free app, dubbed Office Remote, the global users could control Powerpoint to advance through quality slides, play and pause embedded audio with vivid video clips. It is also possible to switch slide thumbnail view, progressively check out speaker notes expediently on your favorite device and actively keep any eye on the presentation timer.

According to Top Ranked Apps Review Directory namely AppsRead Directory the Office Remote for Android also qualitatively works with Excel and Word, marveling it a adept tool to have if global user regularly present spreadsheets and vital documents in front of an prosperous audience. The global users could actively use with Excel, where you could scroll, zoom and switch between worksheets, utilize filters and slicers, and finally hop to any named objects in your important file.


The Office Remote for Android app provides similar functionality on Word, and additionally permits global user jump to headings and comments instantly. It is conveyed that Office Remote was earlier available only on Windows Phone 8. The global users would require Microsoft Office 2013 along with the desktop add-in installed on users Bluetooth-enabled PC for this to work actively.

The above Office Remote for Android review from AppsRead Directory is for global app users. The Top Ranked Apps Review Directory is adeptly publishing on iPhone / iPad / iOS app reviews, Android App Reviews, Facebook App Reviews, Game Reviews, Gadget Reviews and Web App Reviews. Eventually the top apps review site AppsRead Directory suggests this Office Remote for Android app in benefit of global users.

