JitBit for Web


In this day to day modern development of technology there are wide number of new products launched for global users. For any individuals who want to try a new product the first question that pops up in their mind is to find out how quality the customer service of that particular brand is. It is cinch that even if the product is slightly inferior, a best quality service could turn the tables for you.

The Top Ranked Apps Review Directory namely AppsRead Directory are professionally enumerating about the latest web app called JitBit. This JitBit for Web is regarded as the best Helpdesk Ticketing System which is efficaciously hosted as well as on-premise support service that user could subscribe to any moment.

It is considered that the biggest menace dealing with so many emails would to do a lot of manual data entry for generating a ticket. So generally users could address that problem to the corresponding engineer/technician. But with this JitBit for Web Helpdesk, the global users could actively “bypass” it since JitBit for Web does it automatically. In fact, if global users could ask your clients/customers to categorize their problem in the fill-up form, it would automatically be sent to the concerned engineer. Eventually that’s a big sigh of relief.


When think about the issue of team collaboration, the same ticket goes through several processes in getting ticked one-by-one on the problem chart. So it becomes very difficult for a manager to trace back each and every point in collecting the numerous files. For this problem JitBit for Web has a very simple solution to it.

For every ticket, all the related files are stored at one place comprising the conversation, progress reports, any conflicts with the relevant requirements, etc. So your prosperous bond with the global client never breaks up even if you weren’t involved from the start. JitBit makes it easy for the manager to handle the working team and client side-by-side.

The cogent dashboard takes all the stress away. They have expedient design which is neat and immaculate. Now the global users could actively regulate the team activities as well as organize things for the better from the dashboard itself. It is possible to tag tickets, track progress of tasks, and clean trash by deleting completed tasks. Checking out financial and performance reports is also exciting. Moreover users could slip in JitBit into website within seconds. One could just copy/paste a small code on your webpage and users could have their very own website-support-system running.

The above JitBit for Web review from AppsRead Directory is for app users. The Top Ranked Apps Review Directory is efficaciously publishing on iPhone / iPad / iOS app reviews, Android App Reviews, Facebook App Reviews, Game Reviews, Gadget Reviews and Web App Reviews. In final evaluation the top apps review site AppsRead Directory suggests this JitBit for Web app in benefit of global users.

