Back to Bed for iOS


According to Top Ranked Apps Review Directory namely AppsRead Directory is enumerating about latest iOS phone app called Back to Bed. It’s an aesthetically pleasing title that would keep global users up late into the night solving intricate puzzles.

This popular app of Back to Bed for iOS has lucrative Escherian environments which would cinch win you over. It was successfully launched during last August and presently available for free on iOS as Apple’s App of the Week.

The focus of the game is to get Bob the sleepwalker back to bed safely. The user could take on the role of Bob, but in two forms. One could get himself into distressing situations for the artistic dream worlds which are virtually conjured up in his sleep; so user play the role of his subconscious, Subob.


It is confirmed that Subob utilizes all available objects to develop a safe path for Bob to follow by frequently nudging him in the right direction. In cases where sleepwalking, Bob would turn clockwise every time he actually bumps into something. So this challenge would make sure that he doesn’t walk off the edge and wake up abrupt manner.  Back to Bed for iOS is wholly assuages global users.

In Back to Bed for iOS the task is made more difficult by the isometric environment of the game which certainly makes deciding where to place objects even difficult way. The users could also encounter optical illusions and tricks that change your attitude on the tasks.

The above Back to Bed for iOS review from AppsRead Directory is for game lovers. The Top Ranked Apps Review Directory is sincerely publishing on iPhone / iPad / iOS app reviews, Android App Reviews, Facebook App Reviews, Game Reviews, Gadget Reviews and Web App Reviews. In conclusion the top apps review site AppsRead Directory suggests this Back to Bed for iOS app in benefit of global users.

