Airbnb iPhone App


According to media sources from review members of Appsread over the last weeks, Airbnb has been expediently testing a new savor called “Local Companion” which cinch connects global user with real people living at some favorite holiday destination. It also permits you to ask potent questions like ‘where’s the best place to eat?

This popular savor only appears for people who are invited to a special feature and appears in the Airbnb inbox for iOS. The app facilitates permits to ask several queries like a special concierge service. It also connects you to normal people at your preferred destination. With this efficient Airbnb inbox, the global user could able to ask anything such as “where’s the best place to entertain” or “could you get me movie tickets for tonight” and the new efficacious service pledges to offer best what you wish.


This new popular feature of Local Companion is free and expediently works in San Francisco at the moment. The trailblazing service does provide the capability purchase items for you within the app utilizing your credit card if user approve. If you are requested any tickets for a game or a film, then the cogent service would just ask to approve the charge and it would be processed utilizing the credit card which user have it on file.

The potent recommendations are utilizing the services which are beneficial. After effective sharing of your location, then local companion automatically kicks off the process by obtaining someone in the city for recommending unique places where global user booked to dwell. The global user could ask almost anything and the relevant people on the other end would reply within a few hours.

The above Airbnb iPhone App review from appsread is globally appreciated by the international app users. This Airbnb iPhone app is wholly assuaged by the global app users. With regard to Appsread they are efficaciously ranked as the top apps review site focusing on Web App Reviews, iPhone / iPad / iOS App Reviews, Android App Reviews, Facebook App Reviews, Gadget Reviews and Game Reviews.

